No Cooling From Air Conditioner Vents? Fix Not Cooling AC Issues

Is your air conditioner not cooling and blowing warm air instead of cool air? You’re not alone. Many people face this problem. Let’s dive into common reasons your AC might not be cooling and how you can fix them.

No Cooling? Here 9 Common Issues For AC That Is Not Cooling Your Home or Office

1. Dirty Air Filters

One of the simplest yet most common causes of a malfunctioning AC is a dirty air filter. When filters get clogged, they restrict airflow, reducing the system’s efficiency.

How to Fix It:

  • Check your filters monthly.
  • Replace them every 1-3 months, depending on usage and the type of filter.

2. Thermostat Issues

Your thermostat is the brain of your AC system. If it’s not set correctly or is malfunctioning, it can lead to cooling issues.

Questions to Ask:

  • Is the thermostat set to “cool”?
  • Is the temperature set lower than the current room temperature?

Quick Fix:

  • Replace old batteries.
  • Check the settings and adjust as needed.

3. Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant is crucial for cooling your home. Low refrigerant levels usually indicate a leak, which can severely impact your AC’s performance.

Signs of a Leak:

  • Hissing sounds from the unit.
  • Ice buildup on the refrigerant line.
  • AC not cooling even after running for a long time.


  • Contact a professional to locate and fix the leak.
  • Recharge the refrigerant.

4. Blocked Condenser Unit

The condenser unit, typically located outside, can get blocked by dirt, leaves, or other debris, which hampers the cooling process.

DIY Maintenance Tips:

  • Clear any visible debris around the unit.
  • Gently clean the condenser fins with a garden hose.

5. Electrical Issues

Faulty wiring or electrical components can cause your AC to stop cooling. This could be due to wear and tear or even a power surge.

What to Check:

  • Inspect the wiring for visible damage.
  • Ensure circuit breakers and fuses are functioning.

When to Call a Pro:

  • If you notice burnt or frayed wires.
  • If your AC frequently trips the circuit breaker.

6. Frozen Evaporator Coils

Evaporator coils absorb heat from your home. If they freeze, the cooling process stops.

Possible Causes:

  • Insufficient airflow due to dirty filters.
  • Low refrigerant levels.
  • Faulty blower fan.

Thawing Tips:

  • Turn off the AC and let the coils thaw.
  • Address the underlying cause to prevent future freezes.

7. Ductwork Problems

Leaky or poorly insulated ducts can cause cool air to escape, leading to uneven cooling or no cooling at all.

How to Detect:

  • Check for visible holes or tears in the ductwork.
  • Feel for air leaks while the AC is running.


  • Seal leaks with duct tape or mastic sealant.
  • Insulate exposed ductwork.

8. Clogged Drain Line

A clogged drain line can cause water to back up and interfere with the AC’s operation.


  • Water pooling around the indoor unit.
  • Moldy or musty smells.

Cleaning Steps:

  • Use a wet/dry vacuum to clear the blockage.
  • Regularly pour a mixture of bleach and water down the drain to prevent clogs.

9. Compressor Issues

The compressor is the heart of your AC system. If it fails, your AC won’t cool properly.

Warning Signs:

  • Strange noises from the outdoor unit.
  • Warm air coming from vents.

Professional Help Needed:

  • Diagnosing and fixing compressor issues often require a professional technician.

Get Your AC Cooling Again When It Is Not Cooling

Keeping your air conditioner in top shape requires regular maintenance and prompt attention to any issues. By addressing these common problems, you can ensure your home stays cool and comfortable all summer long. If you are in the Tempe/Phoenix Arizona area and you need services for your air conditioner is not cooling give us a call today.

Remember, while some fixes can be done yourself, others will need professional expertise. Don’t hesitate to call a pro to keep your AC running smoothly.

The Top Benefits of Upgrading to New Air Conditioning Unit in Arizona

In the hot weather of Arizona, a reliable AC unit is not just a luxury but a essential. As a seasoned air conditioning technician, I recognize the significance of maintaining a comfortable environment in Tempe AZ and neighboring cities. In this article, we will explore the myriad benefits of transitioning to modern air conditioning units, shedding light on how this upgrade can significantly enhance the living experience for homeowners in Arizona. Moreover, we will highlight the key benefits that come with this upgrade.

Maximizing Energy Efficiency with New Air Conditioning Units in Arizona

Designed for peak energy efficiency, modern AC units are endorsed by AZ Home Services Group, as a sustainable cooling solution in Arizona, As temperatures soar in the region, opting for an energy-efficient AC not only ensures a cool home but also significantly reduces energy costs. Renowned as a top-tier air conditioning service provider.

Energy-efficient air conditioning unit
Save on Energy Bills with AZ Home Services Group

Achieving Superior Comfort with Arizona’s Latest Air Conditioning Technology

Upgrading your AC ensures better cooling. New models with features like variable-speed motors and smart thermostats provide consistent comfort. AZ Home Services Group excels in installing high-performance AC units, providing homeowners with unparalleled comfort.

Smart thermostat controlling air conditioning
AZ Home Services Group ensures precise temperature control

Breathing Easier: How New Air Conditioning Units Improve Air Quality in Arizona

In Arizona, where dust and allergens are common, maintaining good indoor air quality is crucial. New AC units come with high-tech filtering systems that trap dust, pollen, and other tiny pieces. AZ Home Services Group puts first air quality, offering installations that contribute to a healthier living environment.

Air filter in a new AC unit
AZ Home Services Group installs units with advanced filtration

Tailored for Arizona’s Climate: The Benefits of Modern Air Conditioning Systems

In Arizona’s ever-changing weather, transitioning from scorching summers to cool nights, AZ Home Services Group suggests opting for advanced AC units. These systems provide dependable and year-round cooling, ensuring optimal comfort for homeowners throughout the seasons.

Air conditioning unit in the Arizona heat
AZ Home Services Group installs units for Arizona’s diverse climate

Wrapping Up: The Compelling Advantages of Upgrading to New Air Conditioning in Arizona

In conclusion, upgrading to a new AC unit in Arizona is not just a luxury but a planned investment in home comfort. AZ Home Services Group recognized as a premier home service provider, in Arizona, excels in installations that specifically align with the unique needs of homeowners.

Checkout our other HVAC Services we provide in Arizona

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The Ultimate Guide to Efficient Air Conditioning in Arizona

Arizona’s blazing summers demand a well-functioning air conditioner to keep your home comfortable. But comfort shouldn’t come with high energy costs or frequent repair headaches. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about efficient air conditioning in the Grand Canyon State.

Understanding Arizona’s Unique Cooling Needs

The desert climate in Arizona presents unique challenges to homeowners trying to maintain a cool and comfortable environment.

Infographic detailing the correlation between Arizona's hot climate and the increased demand for efficient air conditioning
Understanding the heat: How Arizona’s temperatures impact your AC needs.

Why Efficiency is Key in Arizona’s Heat – AC Energy-Saving Strategies in AZ

In Arizona, efficient cooling isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. With temperatures soaring above 100°F, an inefficient system can lead to skyrocketing bills and inadequate cooling.

Bar chart showing the rise in Arizona temperatures alongside the efficiency of well-maintained AC units
Beat the heat efficiently with the right AC unit.

Top Tips for Maintaining an Efficient AC System

Regular Maintenance Checks

Routine professional inspections can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems.

Professional technician from AZ Home Services Group servicing an air conditioning unit in Tempe, Arizona.
Regular maintenance checks: The key to long-lasting AC efficiency.

Choosing the Right Size AC Unit for Energy-Saving

An oversized or undersized unit can lead to inefficiency and discomfort. It’s crucial to select a size that’s just right for your space.

Sizing chart for selecting the right AC unit for homes in Arizona, provided by AZ Home Services Group.
Size matters: Choosing the right AC unit for your Arizona home.

Smart Thermostats: A Wise Investment

Smart thermostats adjust the temperature based on your schedule, which can significantly reduce your energy bill.

Energy-saving smart thermostat in an Arizona home, offered by AZ Home Services Group
Invest in a smart thermostat and save on your energy bills.

The Role of Insulation and Sealing

Insulation: Your Thermal Barrier

Good insulation keeps the cool air in and the hot air out, essential for maintaining an efficient system.

Illustration showing the benefits of proper insulation in homes serviced by AZ Home Services Group.
Insulation: Your home’s shield against Arizona’s sun

Sealing Leaks and Drafts

Even the smallest leaks can undermine your AC’s efficiency. Sealing them can lead to noticeable savings.

Identifying common air leak spots around an Arizona home to improve AC efficiency
Seal the leaks, save the cool.

Technological Advances in Air Conditioning

Energy-Efficient Air Conditioners

Investing in an energy-efficient air conditioner can reduce your carbon footprint and your monthly bills.

Energy-Efficient Air Conditioners
Technological Advances in Air Conditioning

The Future is Solar

Solar-powered AC units are an excellent option for Arizona’s sunny days, harnessing the power of the sun to cool your home.

Happy homeowner enjoying efficient cooling from AZ Home Services Group, Tempe, Arizona.
Comfort in every corner of your home with AZ Home Services Group.

The Impact of Regular Cleaning and Filter Replacement

Cleanliness Equals Efficiency

Regularly cleaning your AC unit and replacing the filters can prevent airflow blockages and maintain efficiency.

Happy homeowner enjoying efficient cooling from AZ Home Services Group, Tempe, Arizona.

Conclusion: Staying Cool with AZ Home Services Group

Efficient air conditioning in Arizona isn’t just about comfort; it’s about cost-effectiveness and longevity. By following the advice outlined in this guide, you can enjoy a cooler home without burning through your budget.

Happy homeowner enjoying efficient cooling from AZ Home Services Group, Tempe, Arizona.
Comfort in every corner of your home with AZ Home Services Group.

For personalized advice and top-notch air conditioning services, turn to AZ Home Services Group. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your AC system runs at peak efficiency, no matter the Arizona heat. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you stay cool and comfortable all year long.

What are the steps to obtaining a commercial plumbing license?

If you want to work as a commercial plumbing contractor, you must first obtain a plumbing license from your state or local municipality. The process for obtaining a license varies by location, but generally involves passing an exam and completing a specified amount of on-the-job training. Some states also require that you have a certain amount of experience working as a journeyman plumber before you can apply for a contractor’s license. After you have obtained your license, you will need to renew it every few years in order to keep it active.

Check your state’s requirements.

When it comes to insect identification, there are a few key characteristics to look for. First, identify the body type—is it long and skinny like a mosquito, or more rounded like a beetle? If it’s the latter, does it have wings? If so, are they hard or soft? If it’s a mosquito, does it have a proboscis? Once you’ve determined the basic body type, you can start to look at other identifying features, like color patterns, behaviors, and habitats. Insects are an important part of our ecosystem, and many states have laws in place to protect them. If you’re not sure what the requirements are in your state, be sure to check with your local extension office or Department of Agriculture.

Complete an apprentice program.

Completing an apprentice program is a great way to gain experience in a certain trade or occupation. There are many different types of apprentice programs available, so it is important to choose one that is right for you. Apprentice programs typically last between two and four years, and during that time you will learn the skills needed to succeed in your chosen field. After completing an apprentice program, you will be able to find employment in your chosen field or continue your education in order to become a journeyman or master in your trade.

Pass a journeyman plumber examination.

Becoming a journeyman plumber requires completing an apprenticeship program and passing a journeyman plumber examination. Apprenticeship programs typically last four years and include both classroom instruction and on-the-job training. Journeyman plumbers must have a working knowledge of all aspects of plumbing, including installation, repair, and maintenance. The journeyman plumber examination is a two-part exam that tests your knowledge of plumbing theory and code. The first part of the exam is a written exam, and the second part is a practical exam. You must pass both parts of the exam to become a journeyman plumber. Preparing for the journeyman plumber examination can be challenging, but there are a number of resources available to help you study. The National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies offers a study guide and practice test, and many community colleges offer courses to help you prepare for the exam. Once you pass the journeyman plumber examination, you will be able to obtain a plumbing contractor license, which will allow you to work independently as a plumber. Journeyman plumbers can find employment in a variety of settings, including residential, commercial, and industrial plumbing.

The debate of plumbing vents: horizontal vs vertical

There are two main types of plumbing vents: horizontal and vertical. Each has its pros and cons, so it’s important to know which one is right for your home. Horizontal vents are installed along the length of a drainpipe and are typically used in homes with long, straight drainpipes. They are less expensive to install than vertical vents, but they can be more difficult to clean. Vertical vents are installed near the top of a drainpipe and extend up through the roof. They are more expensive to install, but they are easier to clean. So, which type of vent is right for you? It depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you’re not sure, it’s always best to consult with a professional plumber.

Which is better? Horizontal or vertical plumbing vents?

If you are thinking about which type of plumbing vent to install in your home, you may be wondering if horizontal or vertical vents are better. Here is a look at some of the pros and cons of each type of vent to help you decide which is right for your home. Horizontal Plumbing Vents Pros: • Can be installed in tight spaces • Do not require a lot of clearance • Better for homes with limited roof space Cons: • Can be more difficult to install • Not as effective at preventing clogs Vertical Plumbing Vents Pros: • More effective at preventing clogs • Easy to install • Do not take up much roof space Cons: • Can be more visible • Require more clearance So, which type of plumbing vent is better? It really depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you have a limited amount of roof space, a horizontal vent may be the better option. However, if you are concerned about clogs, a vertical vent may be a better choice.

The debate of plumbing vents: horizontal vs vertical

When it comes to plumbing vents, there are two main types: horizontal and vertical. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks that need to be considered before making a decision. Here is a closer look at the debate of horizontal vs vertical plumbing vents. The most obvious difference between horizontal and vertical plumbing vents is the orientation of the pipe. A horizontal pipe will run along the ground, while a vertical pipe will go straight up. There are pros and cons to each approach. A horizontal pipe is less likely to get blocked by debris, but it can be more difficult to install. A vertical pipe is easier to install, but it is more likely to get blocked. Another consideration is the amount of space that is available. A vertical pipe requires less space than a horizontal pipe. This can be important if the vent is being installed in a tight area. The final consideration is the cost. Horizontal pipes are typically less expensive than vertical pipes. This is because they are less complicated to install. So, which is better? It depends on the individual situation. If space is limited, a vertical pipe may be the best option. If cost is a concern, a horizontal pipe may be the better choice.

Horizontal vs vertical: the ultimate debate

In the world of business, there are two main types of organizational structures that companies choose from: horizontal and vertical. Both of these structures have their own advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered before a decision can be made. So, what’s the difference between horizontal and vertical organizations? A horizontal organization is one in which the different departments or units within the company are on the same level. This means that there is no real hierarchy and everyone is considered to be an equal. The main advantage of this type of organization is that it encourages creativity and innovation as everyone is free to share their ideas. However, the downside is that it can lead to chaos and confusion as there is no clear chain of command.

A vertical organization, on the other hand, is one in which there is a clear hierarchy and each department or unit is overseen by someone higher up in the company. The advantage of this type of organization is that it is much more efficient as there is a clear chain of command. The downside, however, is that it can be quite inflexible and it can stifle creativity as people are afraid to speak up or share their ideas. So, which is better? Horizontal or vertical? The answer is that it depends on the specific company and what its needs are. There is no one-size-fits-all answer.

The pros and cons of horizontal vs vertical plumbing vents

There are two ways that plumbing vents can be installed in a home – horizontal and vertical. Each has its own set of pros and cons that should be considered before making a decision. Horizontal vents are installed along the length of the drain pipe. This type of vent is less likely to get blocked by debris and is easier to clean if it does become clogged. However, horizontal vents can be more difficult to install and may not work well in homes with lower ceilings. Vertical vents are installed through the roof of the home. This type of vent is less likely to be damaged by weather and can be easily replaced if it does become damaged. However, vertical vents can be more difficult to install and may require special brackets or supports.

Which is more efficient? Horizontal or vertical plumbing vents?

There are two types of plumbing vents: horizontal and vertical. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Horizontal vents are more efficient because they allow gravity to do most of the work. The water flows down the drainpipe and into the sewer line more easily than it does with a vertical vent. Vertical vents, on the other hand, are less efficient because the water has to fight gravity to flow down the drainpipe. However, vertical vents are less likely to become blocked by debris than horizontal vents. So, which is more efficient? It depends on your specific needs. If you are concerned about the potential for a blockage, then vertical vents may be the better option. If you are more concerned about efficiency, then horizontal vents are the way to go.

The debate of function: horizontal vs vertical plumbing vents

Though they may look different, both horizontal and vertical plumbing vents serve the same purpose: to allow air into the drainage system so that waste can flow freely. The debate of function between the two types of vents lies in the installation process. Proponents of horizontal vents argue that they are less likely to become blocked by debris than vertical vents. On the other hand, those in favor of vertical vents argue that they are less likely to leak than horizontal vents. Ultimately, the decision of which type of vent to install comes down to personal preference.

AZ Home Services Group is Here for You!

Don’t take our word for it. Listen to some of the feedback provided by our customers!

I just got a new AC/heat pump unit installed. It was a stressful situation and decision but AZ Home Services Group made it much easier. I felt supported all the way through. Everything was quick, easy, and stress-free. The new unit is unbelievably quiet! I am very pleased and would recommend AZ Home Services Group.


Mary Sequoia

New Air Conditioner

AZ Home Servies Group was excellent. They arrived on time and explained the issues with my air conditioner. They were courteous, professional, knowledgeable, and gave me financing options to work with and a fair price. I highly recommend them!


Philip Glacier

Air Conditioner

AZ Home Services Group did an awesome job servicing my AC and making some recommendations to increase the effectiveness of our unit. We were able to schedule our appointment right away. AZ Home Services Group is our go-to and always provides great service and the people are knowledgeable. We are very pleased!


Amy Redwood

Air Conditioner Service

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